4364.0.55.002 - Health Service Usage and Health Related Actions, Australia, 2014-15  
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 27/03/2017   
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Kidney disease is a chronic disease in which a person's kidney function is reduced or damaged. This affects the kidney's ability to filter blood and therefore control the body's water and other hormone levels, leading to increased fluid and waste within the body. The increase in these fluids can cause high blood pressure, anemia, and uremia. People with kidney disease are also likely to have other chronic disease such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. In fact, when chronic kidney disease, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular are grouped, they account for around one-quarter of the entire disease burden in Australia.1

In 2014-15, 0.9% Australians (203,400) had kidney disease. Of these, 71.1% had consulted a GP in the last 12 months for their condition. Around half (49.1%) had consulted a specialist in the last 12 months, the second highest of the long-term health conditions published in this release. Around 1 in 10 (12.0%) people with kidney disease had consulted an other health professional in the last 12 months.

Of all people with kidney disease, around 1 in 10 (10%) had ever had dialysis.

1. Australian Government Department of Health, November 2016, Chronic kidney disease, <http://www.health.gov.au/internet/main/publishing.nsf/Content/chronic-kidney>, Last accessed 03/02/2017.